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Detroit Area Spotted Lanternfly Alert

Taking Action Together

Spotted Lantern Fly

In our ongoing commitment to keeping our Detroit & Wayne County community informed and prepared, Bugmarx Pest Control brings your attention to a concerning issue - the Spotted Lanternfly. These invasive insects have been making appearances in our region, posing a significant threat to our environment and local agriculture. It's crucial that we all take responsibility for addressing this problem collectively.

What is the Spotted Lanternfly?

The Spotted Lanternfly, scientifically known as Lycorma delicatula, is an invasive insect originally hailing from Asia. It's easily recognizable by its striking appearance, featuring spotted wings and a vivid red hue beneath its wings when in flight. Although it may appear harmless at first glance, the Spotted Lanternfly can inflict severe damage to trees, plants, and crops, thereby jeopardizing our local ecosystem.

What Can You Do?

Bugmarx Pest Control offers the following recommended actions to combat the Spotted Lanternfly menace:


Familiarize yourself with the Spotted Lanternfly's appearance. You can view images and read more about it in this CBS News article.

Report Sightings

Should you come across a Spotted Lanternfly, report it promptly. Your observations are vital for authorities to track and control their spread. Report sightings to your local agricultural extension office or through the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development.

Control Measures

Control Measures: If you encounter a Spotted Lanternfly, take immediate action by safely squishing it. Please exercise caution to avoid harming beneficial insects and ensure you do not transport them to new areas.

Prevent Spread

To prevent the spread of these invasive insects, be diligent about inspecting vehicles, outdoor equipment, and any outdoor items before moving them. Spotted Lanternflies can hitch a ride, so remaining vigilant is paramount.

Stay Informed!

By staying informed and taking these simple yet effective steps, we can collectively protect our beautiful Detroit area from the threat of Spotted Lanternflies. Together, we have the power to make a substantial difference.

Thank you for your dedication to preserving our community and environment. Bugmarx Pest Control remains committed to keeping you informed about essential pest-related issues.

Stay bug-savvy and bug-safe

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